Over the last decade, the Nebraska Department of Transportation estimates residents suffered at least 16,000 injuries each year as a result of motor vehicle accidents. Some years, total injuries exceed 17,000. A car accident injury can alter the lives of victims and their families. Knowing that most accidents are preventable and that your injuries could have been avoided if not for the negligence of another driver adds to the emotional stress that accompanies a severe crash.
If you or a loved one has sustained injuries in a serious car accident, Nebraska law permits you to take legal action against the party who caused you harm. The skilled personal injury attorneys at The Robert Pahlke Law Group is here to help you seek justice. Contact us at (308) 633-4444 for a free case review to discuss the circumstances surrounding your accident and injuries and determine the best course of action for your individual situation.
The Robert Pahlke Law Group’s Results in Car Accident Claims
The committed car accident attorneys at The Robert Pahlke Law Group have more than 30 years of experience negotiating, settling, and litigating car accident cases for their injured clients. The firm’s commitment to exceptional client service and the pursuit of justice has led to the recovery of millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Recent cases include awards ranging from a little over a million dollars to more than 20 million dollars in damages. We cannot guarantee a dollar amount or outcome for your case, but our skilled legal team will aggressively seek the best outcome possible for your car accident case. Our firm’s strong litigators are not afraid to go to court to fight for the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
How a Car Accident Attorney Can Assist You
When you are involved in a minor fender-bender, it’s unlikely you will need a lawyer to resolve your claim. Quite the opposite is true in severe accidents, and when you doubt whether or not you need legal counsel, you should always schedule a consultation to find out. In most cases, hiring a car accident lawyer will help you recover more compensation for your injuries. Some examples of ways your attorney can help you include:
- Investigation. Your car accident lawyer will uncover the facts of your case to build a strong case against the defense. This includes speaking to witnesses, obtaining medical records, cell phone records, police reports, driving history and other relevant documents.
- Consultation. Experienced personal injury attorneys have a network of experts they call upon to help build and place a monetary value on cases. Depending on your situation, your attorney might rely on medical experts, forensic scientists, accident reconstruction specialists, healthcare planners, and other experts when can speak to specific aspects of your claim.
- Negotiation. Insurance carriers who want to avoid some or all financial liability after a car accident will go the extra mile to play hardball. In addition to denying claims, carriers might make low-ball offers to entice you to settle early and waive your right to sue for damages. An attorney will handle communication and negotiation with insurance companies to make sure they take your claim seriously and negotiate the highest possible settlement.
- Litigation. Many car accident claims can be settled without going to court. Yet, occasions exist when settlement isn’t an option. The insurance company might fully deny the policyholder’s involvement or liability in the accident or they are unwilling to offer full and fair compensation. When you need a strong litigator to advocate for you in court, The Robert Pahlke Law Group is not afraid to enter the courtroom to fight for the compensation you deserve for losses related to the accident and your injuries.
Poor Choices Behind the Wheel Cause Nebraska Car Accidents
Car accidents might occur for a variety of reasons, including weather, defective car parts, and poor road maintenance, but most accidents are a result of negligent drivers who make poor choices behind the wheel. Some common dangerous driving behaviors which sometimes lead to car accidents include:
- Distracted driving. Nebraska is one of the few states that doesn’t include texting and driving as a primary moving violation. This means law enforcement cannot pull over a driver for texting, but they can issue a citation if they have pulled over a driver for another reason. This comparatively relaxed law makes sharing the road with distracted drivers in Nebraska a scary proposition. Drivers who lose focus because of adjusting climate controls, engaging with passengers, personal grooming, and eating and drinking can also cause accidents.
- Driving under the influence. Alcohol and drugs, illegal or legal, can severely impair a driver so he or she cannot appropriately react to other vehicles, traffic signals, and road hazards while driving. The Nebraska Department of Transportation reports alcohol-related crashes have slightly decreased over the last few years, but each year hundreds of crashes occur resulting in severe injuries and fatalities.
- Drowsy driving. Those who drive without adequate rest risk falling asleep at the wheel. Nodding off, even if only for a few seconds, can lead to deadly traffic collisions. Although anyone might be at risk for drowsy driving, commercial truck drivers, rideshare drivers, shift workers, and those who have sleep disorders are most likely to feel drowsy or fatigued and cause a severe car accident.
- Speeding. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates speeding is a factor in one-third of all car accidents each year. Speeding doesn’t always refer to traveling over the posted limit, but also refers to traveling too fast for conditions. In either case, excessive speed leads to more property damage, more severe injuries, and a higher chance of death when a car accident occurs.
Get the Legal Help You Need After a Nebraska Car Accident
If you or a loved one has sustained injuries in a Nebraska car accident because of another party, you deserve compensation for losses associated with your accident and injury. If you live in the Scottsbluff, Nebraska area, contact the skilled personal injury attorneys at The Robert Pahlke Law Group at (308) 633-4444 or online for a free consultation to learn about how we might be able to assist you after your car accident.
The Robert Pahlke Law Group
2425 Circle Drive #200
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
Phone: 308-633-4444